Love on the other side of Mirror

Love on the other side of the mirror is the story of the loved ones, who were in love for the ages but couldn’t make it to the end like all those unsuccessful love stories, but that feelings remains the same always at two different hearts carrying all the way with pain.
I love you but where are you when I look at the mirror I see you but when I look around I don’t find you,we loved but the love was on the other side of mirror

There is a difference between being in love and feelings in love
I realize now i was wrong all time that I was in love
eventually it was feeling in love
i though we were together all the time but you were at other side of mirror
oho laughed like there was a fun, Danced like your were singing
we traveled like were together and i slept like I was at your arm
oho baby we were far but I never realized that you are at other side of mirror
oho that reflection showed that we were together but we were somewhere but no where
we dance like we created a circus but no it was my believe that made people laugh
oho baby i am so poor that i cant afford you
I thought we were in the arms baby
but never realized that you were on the other side of mirror
Oh its a special feeling

Those moments between us I hope we were together till
Oh those moment’s relaxes me now How can I live without you
oho baby I see you in the mirror by my side
I was blind baby I couldn’t realize you were on the other side
when I stand in front of mirror I see you, I look by my side I feel alone
This loneliness; oho baby sometimes I feel you by my side
I still feel the same when I forget everything had passed by
oho there was a time when we walked together and there was no errors
oho baby its hard to bear when, living this life is error and I realized you are on other side of mirror

“My love for you is like a mirror. You can break it into pieces but when you look closely, you are still in it. “

– unknown

Oho those promises, that time together, those rainy days
our hands crossed and that heat on our body
That cozy room, that single bed and a mirror in front
your question looking at the mirror how do I look ?
And I am looking for answer how do you look ?
Those moments that mirror and we all are a memory now
you are you now and I am me ,
I painted the mirror black so that I can’t see
oho baby we are far but memories reconnects
black color passed away and you are dancing around
I look at you and there I see no one
I can see you at mirror but find alone and no one around
yes baby this is your promise and my love
Life was a real but you are way far, reflection is fake but not love and mirror
but sorry baby your love was at other side of mirror …

Feature photo credit : psychologytoday


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