You may be in dilemma that what course you choose after plus two . It was okey after SLC that you only have few option and you can decide in seconds either you choose science or management or you may go for humanities or any other course. But case is totally different and complicated when it comes after plus two. Still there is advantage for students from management faculty , In my view they have only few options like, BBA, BBS, BHM, BSW , BA and others few but same things come in 100s for student from science faculty. So on this article I will be only talking about courses available or students can choose from science faculty.
So lets list out :
- Medical Field ( MBBS, BDS, nursing, BMLT, Ayrubedic , and so on ).
- Engineering ( add as much as you remember )
- CS/IT( CSIT, BIT, BCIS, BIM, BCS, and add more here too)
- Management ( BBA, BBS, BA, BSW, and so on)
- CA , and similar
- Laws and similar
- etc
lets dig on each of this lets separate
- if you are from Biology section Engineering option is almost close for you.
- If you are from physical(math) section medical option is close for you .
- Rest all are open for you .
Before I start read this article that may help you to decide little bit .Why CSIT is Best ?
So, lets talk about CS/IT : what exactly it is ? its undergraduates course related with computer science and Information technology, oho term hacking strikes on you mind just after this please don’t none of these course are designed to make you hacker but these certainly helps you to be one. Remember this is one of the most demanding field of study for you after plus two.
lets not leave others behind all management subjects , CA and faculties of Law are equally good for you to study after plus two but think and rethink before you decide to take these subjects. ( PS : for me these are subjects none of interest , so I pressed esc to get away)
Lets discuss about CS/IT course more, still there is multiple option which one should I go with.
CS one of the most charming and demanded course offered by Tribhuvan university has diverse scope after completion of course. I suggest you to read this to know more about scope of csit(CSIT Future) .
Most of the csit students go to job or starts working while they are at their csit study , since course will help you to learn different programming languages and techniques to start working. Read this to know what csit students are doing whats their status is , what is the status if current CSIT Students : More here.
Life After CSIT : Read Here
** This article is mostly my view , I am CSIT graduates and I am happy aftet this course I recommend you to join this course but there is no force to join this course at all.
Did this help you make your decision : FInd best csit colleges in nepal.
Thanks, Cheers 🙂 😛 ..
Good Luck For Your Future.