Love, what It is ::??

“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything.”             

                                           Love Its a Dream, meaning may be different depending upon the situation and the context. 

एउटा बच्चा जहिले बाबाको कोटको खल्तीबाट पैसा निकाल्छ , अनि हरेक दिन बाबा त्यो खल्तीमा पैसा राख्नु हुन्छ , त्यो उसको बाबाको प्रेम (LOVE) हो ?  भबिस्यको  परिणाम के हुन्छ  मायाले परिणाम हेर्दैन  |

सानो भाई जहिले दिदीको झोलाबाट चकलेट झिकेर खान्छ, तर नि दिदि कहिले चकलेट  राख्न छोड्नु हुन्न त्यो नै माया हो |

तर अहिले जब एउटा केटा अर्की केटिसंग  हुन्छ बीचमा साथी हुन् राम्रो सम्बन्ध छ, तर समाजले नाम अर्कै दिन्छ , बिकसित समाज छ तर सोच अलिक पुरानै छ |

सायद रमाइलो मै भनिएको होला सुनेको कतै, अचेल मायाको अर्थ बदिलिएको छ रे बच्चा बेलाको अनि युवा बेलाको माया यस्तो भयो रे ::

बच्चा बेलाको माया पेन्सिलले लेखिन्छ रे अनि सजिलै मेटिन्छ रे अनि युवा बेलाको माया खोइ के ले लेखिन्छ रे अनि मेटाउन मेरीस्टोप जानु पर्छ रे ??

आखिर माया के हो त ? उत्तर के त आखिर माया के हो भन्ने प्रश्नको ??

I Wonder Why love happens, Why do people love?

If there is no love there is no life, ya for sure its true … but I wonder what love is exact..

Wonder why people fall in love
Wonder why  people are ready to die for someone

Wonder why people fall in love
Wonder why  people are ready to die for someone

Just think about it.
In love there is only sadness.
As for the cruelty inflicted by love,
it’s past counting,,
In love you need to boy your head..
In pain you still have to smile,
why fill your life with poison?

Wonder why people fall in love
Wonder why  people are ready to die for someone

 Without love, what is there in life,
without love a person is lonely,
Love brings myriad colors into your life,
love adorns your life
People fall in love but don’t admit it,

Wonder why speaking plainly of love scares them,wonder why wonder why..
 Love is unnecessary trouble,Love is beautiful in every way
we’re better off keeping away from love.
love in every guise is truth,
The man, who wades into love’s water..
neither sinks nor swims…
everyone, everyone fall in love..
Wonder why only you avoid it..Wonder Why ,,Wonder Why..

Keep love in your heart. A life without  it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.



This is what I say a love real love always for each other ::



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